3 Doorways to Tuning Into Your Life’s Purpose
Ever wonder what the point of this really is???
Wake up early. Stressful days of running from one meeting or obligation to the next…To land in our bed, mentally and physically exhausted, wondering when we’ll have time for the juicy stuff? (ie. the life we actually want deep down but end up tuning out most of the time)
I have often felt like it’s just a dull game of rinse-repeat, that there must be a point beyond this automatic cycle. I remember being around 8 or 9 when I first started pondering this. What am I here to do? What could the purpose of all this be??
Here’s a few things I’ve come to understand in this search for our life’s Purpose:
It’s not your job or title: It’s something deeper than finding the ideal job or role, the one that is perfectly meant for you, your gifts, your strengths. Although the desire to align with, and love what you do is a huge part of living our purpose, that’s not where it ends. The challenges I’ve faced in the past 12 months have crystallized that it goes much deeper than this. Beyond the measures of external success, a job we love, I believe that our ultimate purpose boils down to this....
To BE Happy and Free. Period.
Yup, it is that simple! For all of the searching outside of ourselves when Being Happy and Free within is IT. Our ultimate purpose as two-legged creatures walking this Earth!
Now I know you’re probably wondering what’s that magic wand to get us there.
Simple answer is...We Tune In.
How to Tune Into your Heart Whispers: 3 Doorways to your Life’s Purpose
Because I’m a practical gal, here are 3 powerful doorways to tuning into your life’s Purpose.
Your Body Your Temple: Paying attention to the aches, pains, sensations, feelings that exist within our bodies is something most of us are not used to, and need to relearn. What lives in your body, moment to moment, is pointing to your needs, to an opportunity, a truth that is uniquely yours, all asking to be seen. Chronic fatigue and pain, insomnia, anxiety...these are all there to help us pay attention to a need that is not met, patterns we are being called to heal and release, and pushed down truths trying to get our attention. A few years back, I fell down my stairs, breaking my wrist upon landing. Despite the excruciating pain, the first thought I had was one of relief: “NOW I’ll have a legit reason to slow down at work”. Breaking my wrist was one of many nudges that helped me admit to myself how unsustainable my pace had gotten at work. I knew I needed to slow down, put some boundaries, but it took this experience for me to really pay attention to how urgent it had become. It helped me see just how thirsty I was for that permission to put myself back in the equation. Our bodies whisper and nudge us constantly to come closer to our real Self (ie. our higher self). Going within with curiosity allows us to unlock the messages our life wants us to hear.
Courage to Feel...All the Feelings: Going within includes something we often avoid and are frankly unconsciously terrified of: truly feeling our feelings. Tuning into what our heart holds. In this season of my life, this means tuning into and creating space in my days for my emotions. The unpleasant ones, all of them. The parts I’ve kept at bay for so long they were making me sick, and keeping me small, living outside my own worth. Making space to see, accept and welcome with compassion the feelings and emotions that live inside of us is both courageous and incredibly freeing. Your inner experience (via your body and feelings) is a barometer of your truth, and your soul’s unique compass - your inner guide to who you are, and what you’re here to explore, pursue, experience, express and create.
Breathe: None of this is possible of course if we don’t first practice the ability to pause and take a few deep breaths. This is the key that unlocks the other two doorways. Deep full belly breaths send signals to our brains that shift us out of fight or flight stress mode. They create space to just be, to feel and tune in, even if it’s just for 5 minutes a day. In your bathroom before the day gets started, or the stall at work. A step away….to tune in. and Breathe.
These three doorways have the power to transform the way you live, and put you on a direct path to the life you deeply desire.
I had to learn the hard way how to open these doors (ie. learn how to just BE). I only really “got it” and prioritized myself when my body and mind had gone way beyond their human limits. The point at which all of this stuff I already knew became the only way forward for me. I have been transformed by learning how to BE, how to finally embrace all parts of me, and really allow the feelings and hurts deep inside to be FELT and healed.
It’s my conviction that hearing the messages of your body, emotions and heart, and ALIGNING your actions with this truth is your deepest purpose. It’s how you create a life of alignment, a sense of being truly integrated and free inside yourself, where you access a source of joy that can never be taken from you.
In our day-to-day reality, the practice of Tuning In means....
It is to BE fully WHO you are (the easy to love parts and your shadow). It’s daring to invite to the party the parts you resist, hate on, avoid, and numb out. Our purpose is to surrender to rather than resist the fullness of who you really are. I promise you, owning and claiming all of ourselves is THE KEY that unlocks our deepest Freedom and Joy.
Asking every day: How am I doing? with total honesty AND having the courage…being willing to Hear, Accept, and Honour what comes up with my words, actions, choices and priorities.
In other words, Being who you are, fully, authentically = living your Purpose
And the remarkable thing is that this living and expressing your authentic self actually unleashes and unfolds naturally (ie. without hustle or struggle) the most meaningful contributions of our lives in the short time we walk this Earth.
So what do you say we follow our curiosity and our joy today? Let’s be brave and practice following that small, still voice, allowing ourselves to be guided by the pull of the things we love. Let’s make a welcoming space for the feelings that dance inside of us. The pretty and the hairy ones too. And most importantly, let’s TRUST our Heart Compass to lead the way.
Making it Real
Because the magic happens in this moment (yes this one!) I invite you to take 20 seconds, to close your eyes, tune into your heart space, and just breathe in and out deeply and fully. And ask:
What is it that is most wanting to be seen, heard and welcomed within you?
I’d love to hear from you, sweet one. Feel free to DM me and bravely share what Heart Whispers you’re tuning into, or post something in the comments below.
All my love,